Source code for aiohttp_oauth2_client.grant.authorization_code

import asyncio
import contextlib
import time
from typing import Optional, Union

import aiohttp.web
from yarl import URL

from aiohttp_oauth2_client.grant.common import OAuth2Grant
from aiohttp_oauth2_client.models.errors import AuthError
from aiohttp_oauth2_client.models.request import (
from aiohttp_oauth2_client.models.response import AuthorizationResponse
from aiohttp_oauth2_client.models.token import Token
from aiohttp_oauth2_client.models.pkce import PKCE
import webbrowser

[docs] class AuthorizationCodeGrant(OAuth2Grant): """ OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code grant. Use a browser login to request an authorization code, which is then used to request an access token. """ timeout: int = 300 def __init__( self, token_url: Union[str, URL], authorization_url: Union[str, URL], client_id: str, token: Optional[dict] = None, pkce: bool = False, _web_server_port: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param token_url: OAuth 2.0 Token URL :param authorization_url: OAuth 2.0 Authorization URL :param client_id: client identifier :param token: OAuth 2.0 Token :param pkce: use PKCE :param _web_server_port: web server port for handling redirect callback, leave empty for random available port """ super().__init__(token_url, token, **kwargs) self.authorization_url = URL(authorization_url) self.client_id = client_id self.pkce = PKCE() if pkce else None self._web_server_port = _web_server_port async def _fetch_token(self) -> Token: time_start = time.time() async with _web_server(port=self._web_server_port or 0) as (socket_info, state): redirect_uri = scheme="http", host="localhost", port=socket_info[1], path="/callback" ) if self.pkce: authorization_request = AuthorizationRequestPKCE( client_id=self.client_id, redirect_uri=str(redirect_uri), code_challenge=self.pkce.code_challenge, code_challenge_method=self.pkce.code_challenge_method, **self.kwargs, ) else: authorization_request = AuthorizationRequest( client_id=self.client_id, redirect_uri=str(redirect_uri), **self.kwargs, ) full_authz_url = self.authorization_url % authorization_request.model_dump( exclude_none=True ) while not state and not time.time() > time_start + self.timeout: await asyncio.sleep(1) if not state: raise AuthError("Authorization timed out.") authorization = AuthorizationResponse.model_validate(state) token_request = AuthorizationCodeAccessTokenRequest( code=authorization.code, redirect_uri=authorization_request.redirect_uri, client_id=self.client_id, ) if self.pkce: token_request.code_verifier = str(self.pkce.code_verifier, encoding="utf-8") return await self.execute_token_request(token_request)
@contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def _web_server(port: int): """ Launch a web server to handle the redirect after the authorization request. Stores the authorization code in the state. """ state = dict() async def _request_handler(request: aiohttp.web.Request) -> aiohttp.web.Response: if request.path == "/callback": state.update(request.query) return aiohttp.web.Response( text="Authorization successful! You can close this window now.", status=200, ) else: return aiohttp.web.Response(status=404) server = aiohttp.web.Server(_request_handler) runner = aiohttp.web.ServerRunner(server) await runner.setup() site = aiohttp.web.TCPSite(runner, port=port) await site.start() socket_info = site._server.sockets[0].getsockname() yield socket_info, state await site.stop()