
The OAuth2Grant abstract class defines the high-level interface for OAuth 2.0 grant implementations. The grant object should be used as an async context manager.


class aiohttp_oauth2_client.grant.common.OAuth2Grant(token_url: str | URL, token: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Generic OAuth 2.0 Grant class.

  • token_url (str | URL) – OAuth 2.0 Token URL

  • token (dict | None) – OAuth 2.0 Token

  • kwargs – extra arguments used in token request

async close()[source]

Close the Grant object and its associated resources.

async ensure_active_token()[source]

Ensure that the stored access token is still active. If this is not the case, the token will be refreshed.

async execute_token_request(data: AccessTokenRequest) Token[source]

Execute a token request with the provided data.


data (AccessTokenRequest) – token request data


OAuth 2.0 Token

Return type:


async fetch_token()[source]

Fetch an OAuth 2.0 token from the token endpoint and store it for subsequent use.

async prepare_request(headers: Mapping[str, str] | Mapping[istr, str] | CIMultiDict | CIMultiDictProxy | Iterable[Tuple[str | istr, str]] | None)[source]

Prepare the HTTP request by adding the OAuth 2.0 access token to the Authorization header.


headers (Mapping[str, str] | Mapping[istr, str] | CIMultiDict | CIMultiDictProxy | Iterable[Tuple[str | istr, str]] | None) – HTTP request headers


updated HTTP request headers

async refresh_token()[source]

Obtain a new access token using the refresh token grant and store it for subsequent use.

Authorization Code

class aiohttp_oauth2_client.grant.authorization_code.AuthorizationCodeGrant(token_url: str | URL, authorization_url: str | URL, client_id: str, token: dict | None = None, pkce: bool = False, _web_server_port: int | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: OAuth2Grant

OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code grant.

Use a browser login to request an authorization code, which is then used to request an access token.

  • token_url (str | URL) – OAuth 2.0 Token URL

  • authorization_url (str | URL) – OAuth 2.0 Authorization URL

  • client_id (str) – client identifier

  • token (dict | None) – OAuth 2.0 Token

  • pkce (bool) – use PKCE

  • _web_server_port (int | None) – web server port for handling redirect callback, leave empty for random available port

timeout: int = 300

Client Credentials

class aiohttp_oauth2_client.grant.client_credentials.ClientCredentialsGrant(token_url: str | URL, client_id: str, client_secret: str, token: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: OAuth2Grant

OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials grant.

Use client credentials to obtain an access token.

  • token_url (str | URL) – OAuth 2.0 Token URL

  • client_id (str) – client identifier

  • client_secret (str) – client secret

  • token (dict | None) – OAuth 2.0 Token

async refresh_token()[source]

Following the specification, the token response for the client credentials grant SHOULD NOT include a refresh token. The client credentials grant should be used to get a new access token when the previous one has expired.

Some clients may issue a refresh token for the client credentials flow, even though it is not correct according to the specification. In this case, the refresh token will be used to obtain a new access token.

Resource Owner Password Credentials

class aiohttp_oauth2_client.grant.resource_owner_password_credentials.ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant(token_url: str, username: str, password: str, token: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: OAuth2Grant

OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials grant.

Use the username and password of the resource owner to obatain an access token.

  • token_url (str) – OAuth 2.0 Token URL

  • username (str) – username of the resource owner

  • password (str) – password of the resource owner

  • token (dict | None) – OAuth 2.0 Token

Device Code

class aiohttp_oauth2_client.grant.device_code.DeviceCodeGrant(token_url: str | URL, device_authorization_url: str | URL, client_id: str, token: dict | None = None, pkce: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: OAuth2Grant

OAuth 2.0 Device Code grant.

Obtain user authorization on devices with limited input capabilities or lack a suitable browser to handle an interactive log in procedure. The user is instructed to review the authorization request on a secondary device, which does have the requisite input and browser capabilities to complete the user interaction.

  • token_url (str | URL) – OAuth 2.0 Token URL

  • device_authorization_url (str | URL) – OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization URL

  • client_id (str) – client identifier

  • token (dict | None) – OAuth 2.0 Token

  • pkce (bool) – use PKCE