Source code for aiohttp_oauth2_client.grant.device_code

import asyncio
import time
from typing import Optional, Union
from yarl import URL

from aiohttp_oauth2_client.grant.common import OAuth2Grant
from aiohttp_oauth2_client.models.errors import OAuth2Error, AuthError
from aiohttp_oauth2_client.models.request import (
from aiohttp_oauth2_client.models.response import DeviceAuthorizationResponse
from aiohttp_oauth2_client.models.token import Token
from aiohttp_oauth2_client.models.pkce import PKCE

[docs] class DeviceCodeGrant(OAuth2Grant): """ OAuth 2.0 Device Code grant. Obtain user authorization on devices with limited input capabilities or lack a suitable browser to handle an interactive log in procedure. The user is instructed to review the authorization request on a secondary device, which does have the requisite input and browser capabilities to complete the user interaction. """ def __init__( self, token_url: Union[str, URL], device_authorization_url: Union[str, URL], client_id: str, token: Optional[dict] = None, pkce: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ :param token_url: OAuth 2.0 Token URL :param device_authorization_url: OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization URL :param client_id: client identifier :param token: OAuth 2.0 Token :param pkce: use PKCE """ super().__init__(token_url, token, **kwargs) self.device_authorization_url = URL(device_authorization_url) self.client_id = client_id self.pkce = PKCE() if pkce else None async def _fetch_token(self) -> Token: time_start = time.time() if self.pkce: authorization_request = DeviceAuthorizationRequestPKCE( client_id=self.client_id, code_challenge=self.pkce.code_challenge, code_challenge_method=self.pkce.code_challenge_method, **self.kwargs, ) else: authorization_request = DeviceAuthorizationRequest( client_id=self.client_id, **self.kwargs ) async with url=self.device_authorization_url, data=authorization_request.model_dump(exclude_none=True), ) as response: response.raise_for_status() device_authorization = DeviceAuthorizationResponse.model_validate( await response.json() ) token_request = DeviceAccessTokenRequest( device_code=device_authorization.device_code, client_id=self.client_id, **self.kwargs, ) if self.pkce: token_request.code_verifier = str(self.pkce.code_verifier, "utf-8") _txt = ( f"Visit {device_authorization.verification_uri_complete} to authenticate" if device_authorization.verification_uri_complete else f"Visit {device_authorization.verification_uri} and enter code {device_authorization.user_code} to authenticate." ) print(_txt) while not time.time() > time_start + device_authorization.expires_in: await asyncio.sleep(device_authorization.interval) try: token = await self.execute_token_request(token_request) return token except OAuth2Error as e: if e.response.error == "authorization_pending": pass elif e.response.error == "slow_down": device_authorization.interval += 5 else: raise e raise AuthError("The device code has expired.")